That Bitch!
Remember i was saying that Selona only survived on cigarettes n water for the past 6 months?
THAT BITCH!!!! I saw her on Wednesday, looking healthier than i am, not even alil anorexic looking, Still can munch on OLD CHANG KEE!!! Pls, if you havent been or have been eating veh little for 6 fucking months, you cant even eat anything oily lor... the sight of it makes you puke!
I cant believe it.. The best part of it all is this: Selona was helping Darren's mother out at the 7 - 11 store where darren's mother is working at. Seriously, if that auntie have been lying to her for 6 months, Y is she still even toking to her?? Just becoz she tells her things that she likes n wanna hear??? OR was the whole episode a conspiracy??
I cant believe the fact that Darren actually believe all the crap that they are pulling and is willing to play along with it. Initially, when i didnt see the gal, I thot, well, its ok.. She so poor thing blah blah blah... Now that i saw her, Im more angry feeling cheated than to have lost a boyfrd. Darren asked, "so what has my mother got to gain?" I told him simply, "Your mother gains a slave, the slave gains a boyfrd! How wonderful!!" *Clap*
I have a conclusion, after i told Darren what i thot, he didnt even do anything about it, so it means 1 thing, im not important, so well,
MAY the 3 of YOU DROWN in the WORLD OF DRAMA! Happy New Year! May you live happily ever after.
I have a better life to lead. *Roll eyes*
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