Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Complain bitch

As you know, i stop working as a full time "Office Gal", now Im a full time freelance.

Since im like so free, I'll help mummy clean the RC tuition centre and Senior Citizen ktv room every Mon Wed n Fri, as you know, my mum is a PT cleaner.

It so happen that the RC Tuition Centre has this BITCH that is totally against anything that mummy does. I seriously wonder what is her fucking problem...

Lets see... She always complain that my mum doesnt do a good job cleaning up the place, didnt clear the waste paper basket even though it was ONLY a strip of paper that is stuck at the bottom, floor got stapler bulletsss, tables never clean...

Frankly, thats like all the things that mummy got to do, if as she always complained that they are not done, then i wonder what was my mum doin at the centre? Sit down eat breakfast enjoy air con ah? Doesnt sound like wat mummy would do. Furthermore, its not like all the other teachers complain about a single shit. There was even one who said, she love the cleaniness of the place.

Now, recently, its getting a bit outta hand.

As the rule in the centre said, "No footwear allowed", she always complain that mummy didnt remove her footwear before cleaning the place.. FINE!!! We will remove our shoes, (Mummy nearly slip n fall, coz shoes got more friction than feet) never mind... She brought her DARLING Son in one morning and the boy was LITERALLY SUPERVISING US. (BTW, he is in primary school) She went to one of the TIC (Who happens to be mummy's good friend n mummy was her daughter's nanny for 11 years) to complain that her son (WHO WAS WEARING HIS BLOODY SCHOOL SHOE IN THE CENTRE!!!????) saw us wearing shoes in the centre while cleaning, she has came up with a plan to ask her son to VIDEO CLIP it so she can complain til we lose our job.

Frankly, she was told that she is ONLY a PT assistant teacher, it is NONE of her business what the cleaners do coz she is NOT the boss. Yet she wants to take things in her own hands.

She has ALWAYS complained about the shoe problem for the past ten thousand years, hasnt she realise that the management is NOT doing anything about it? In the first palce they dun find that there is any problem. The TIC was saying that if she really video clip anything, she is gonna get the management to fire her.

Hai, this bitch herself is in the service industry, i wonder how she would like to feel if i always go to GUARDIAN to complain about her.

Since she is so concern about the rules of the centre that says "No footwear" HAs she ever noticed what was beside That sign??

It Says, "To help foster good relationship about neighbours" I seriously think that this is more important than footwear.


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