Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Your perception

Came home from the market today, saw the stove turned on with a pot of maggie mee in the process of being cooked but no chef was in the kitchen, so I shouted: "KITCHEN ON FIRE LE!!!!"

My sister ran out from the room, face half done with make up: "Sorry Sorry... Got meh??" Then realise that the noddles was not even boiling...

"Jie, help me cook, quick... Im running late for work..." (Pleading eyes)

"Whatever" I started cooking for her.

The pot that she was using will retain the heat, so I thot, She needs to rush to work, I'll be nice to put the cooked noodles in a hugh plate so it will cool down faster, she can just swallow n run without having to blow the noodles or scald her tongue.


At this point of the story, what are your thots? What do you think will happen after this? DUN KNOW??? Ok, i be nice, I give you multiple choice:

(A) My sister ate the noodles and went to work
(B) My sister commented that the noodles sux
(C) My sister said thanz for helping her


Thot about it yet? Which one? ok huh, cannot change liao huh?

Let me carry on with the story....

My sister ate the noodles quicker than usual, went to work and said Thanz coz she ask me to help her wash the pot and the plate.

Hahahaha... Dun complain say that was not any of the ans given above.. In the first place, did you even think that she will say thanz?

Now, let me explain about your choices:

(A) My sister ate the noodles and went to work

If you choose this, you havent been reading about my blog when i complain about my sister and/or you are just a veh normal person who assume my story is not juicy... But still you are half right, so this is a pretty average ans. Good Job :)

(B) My sister commented that the noodles sux
If you choose this, you are the experimental ans that Im looking for to prove a point. I'll explain that later..

(C) My sister said thanz for helping her

MOst of you wont have chosen this, if you did, you most probably what i call, a veh positive person who assume all men (as in human being) are kind by nature, OR you have never know my sister as being nasty at times. Surprisingly you are OSO part of the experimental ans that im looking for to prove a point.


Ok, everyone forms a perception of a situation or someone, when they first saw what happen or what a person do.

If you have been reading my blog or heard me complain about my sister, you would most probably think nothing good of her and chose option (B) as you would assume she is nasty. In this case you have a bad impression of her and you would have thot negatively about her.

Then again, if, like i have stated in the comment for option (C)that you are probably just positive, what i mean is that, maybe you have heard of my complains about my sister, or read them on my blog, YET, because you have never really know my sister, you GAVE her the benefit of a doubt that she is nice, so this proves that YOU are indeed MORE of a positive person.


Sometimes, YOu may assume that a person is bad, but at times, giving people a "chance" shows your ability to be kind. That person ultimately MAY NOT appreciate you, but YOU know that YOU have done your part to "Give Way". Some of you may feel: "Y must I I I I I be the one to always give way, Y cant U U U U U?" Understand this, It PAYS to be kind. If you think nobody see it, you are so wrong. Becoz god is fair, god created two feelings: one called guilt, the other called satisfaction. The one who gives naturally feels satisfied with one's behaviour, the other who didnt will feel the guilt unknowingly OR knowingly. SO Y complain? Let them have their own well deserved punishment, you, live guilt free. :)


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