Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Monday, July 03, 2006

As a parent...

I have been seeing this parent of my friend's. Everytime I see what happen, I truely pray to god that I will not be like him when I grow up, I pray to god HARDER that my husband will not be like that.

Before I start, I must apologise if in any way i offend this dear friend of mine. I dun mean to be disrespectful, I just feel that I want to voice out so that everyone learn sth here. *From the bottom of my heart* Im sorry, if you are/will be offended. If you are afraid that you will be, pls... Stop reading now.

Ok, lets start...

My friend's father, lets call him Dad, has an unusual foul temper, ultimate moodswing and mega nagging power. Everytime Dad is not in a good mood, he will "take out his spread and start to spread kaya n butter" on my friend. Friend, like father like son oso has a foul temper, but cannot do anything about the kaya n butter coz its his father anyway.

Now, you must be asking me, "HUH?? Whats wrong? my dad oso like that leh.. normal what?"

Well, the thing is, dun you feel veh restricted? One DAD's bad mood, has got bring the whole family to silence, fear and uneasiness.. How fair is that? The best part is, even when nobody step on his tail, he barks at you. Is that the way to treat your kids and wife?

Your wife live in fear that you will bite her head off. Your children stay away in fear that you nag. Dun you realise that you are pushing the whole world away?

The feeling that I get is: "Is DAD home? Is he coming home soon? If the ans is "YES", there will be an anticipation of mood, once he enter the house with a smile, SIGH OF RELIEVE. If not, RUN EVERYONE!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!"

I really dun understand how he can tahan being angry every other day? Dun he feel stressful for his heart? isnt it heavy?? Doesnt he feel tiny in the chest area like he cant breathe?

Frankly,no matter how filial Friend wants to be, looking at DAD, I think if its me, I would have left home ten thousand years ago, dun even bother to go home..

Parents should go through "Anger Management", so as not to activate their spread every other day. You may have a bad day at work, not enuff slp, not enuff sex even, as a parent you do not just "spread" as you like, just becoz, these are YOUR children, and he/she is your spouse. IT SHOULD BE, that you LEARN to manage your anger well, FOR the sake of YOUR children and spouse.


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