Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Life as a woman

Im not sure if its fair if I were to comment in general on the topic that im touching on today. I think i do see this happening to more women than men thus my feeling towards it bah. Men out there, if you think that im being unfair, im sorry, im only a girl who is standing on the side of women.

I remember I was told of this story by my poly mate when we were having a break in school. Its about how her mum was being treated at home. Now, the story is gonna be quite common, so if its of any resemblance to the one you told me, I can only tell you, this was the first I heard.

"My dad, is a male chauvinist. He expected dinner ready when he is home, mum to take good care of us, take care of his needs, like she is a superwoman. My mum is very soft spoken, she is always keeping quiet about how she is suffering but I know how she feels. My dad hits my mum, she knows that he had had an affair before but she decided to keep quiet about it, for the sake of us. I dun feel any love from my dad, he never sit me down to talk to me. For all my birthday since young til now, he only bought me pens as presents. He never really know what i want. I just feel sad, not for myself, but for my mum. That she has to marry a man just to suffer. Im not sure if she was ever happy before, probably befor ethey got married bah. Im afraid I'll end up like her, to marry a man of "No Love"."

Given the above scenario, you as a woman, what would you do? Leave the man? Hang on to the relationship since he is still providing for the family? Ask for help from family and friends? Call the hotline?

I think most women will choose to HAng on. Y?

Do you realise that from what you see around you, even from centuries ago, women are more generous? They allow their man to be shared with another woman/women, just because these women love their man that much to allow such a thing to happen. They allow their man to do what he wants to, so just as to keep him by her side. YET, there are MEN out there who took advantage of this generousity of women and make a FOOL outta themselves. MEN, let them know that their woman is leaving him for another man, he will "BLOW" his top, scolding the woman a slut, a bitch a whatsoever; these MEN dont even have a shame to think about how they have treated their women in the first place. (Now now, no uproar from the men pls, I know there are really SLUTS around too, i understand.)

Frankly, must a woman:

- be so generous (To you flirting/SLEEPING ard)
- be so patient (To your temper/PMS/Stupidness)
- be so caring (To your carelessness)
- be so understanding (To your horniness)
- be so giving (To you n you n you n YOU AGAIN!?)

Is this the life as a woman?

I know that being in a relationship, it takes alot of give and take, but MEN or SLUTS out there, you think you have given alot, think again... No matter how NOBLE you might in the beginning, middle or end, in a way, you will start to think that you have all rights to say do think anything and anyway that you deem rite. IF that ever happens, I seriously feel sorry for your partner, the one who is more soft hearted and giving, the one who feels indebted to you, or the one who just simply love you for you are would allow you to do anything you want to him or her.


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