Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Must you have spit on your face to know that you have been spat on?

When someone wants to end a relationship, there is really nothing much that the other party can do to stop him/her.

The thing is "Why make things difficult?"

What do I mean?

Given this situatuion(Quote partly from my friend's situation):

Guy: Im going to Indonesia to further my career. Dun think we can maintain a long distance relationship. (Reason 1)

Gal: Y? Dun you love me anymore?

Guy: Yes, I do love you. But I dun want to waste your youth. (Reason 2)

Gal: BUT but but... you can bring me with you, im willing to give everything up for you...

Guy: Erm.. I dun think I can feed myself, how to feed you?? (Reason 3)

Gal: [Still asking qns, still trying to salvage relationship]

Guy: [Starts to give all types of reasons and/or excuses]

From the above, do you see a Formula to look stupid?

The more ONE Tries NOT to end = The more OTHER wants to end = The more STUPID excuses comes up = The more STUPID The two person look

Y do i say that?

Look at Reason Number 1: To further his career is a great thing to do for himself. If we have both decided to end here and here, it will look understanding on the side of the girl and guy is given
a little space to feel guilty to give up someone so understanding. But if girl struggles?

Look at Reason Number 2: Stupid Excuse Number 1 come up liao lor. Waste her youth? So the times when you FUCK her in bed for the past few months are not her youth isit? Dun want to waste her youth, then might as well in the begining, DONT start the relationship lor.. Stupid girl still wants to struggle?

Look at Reason Number 3: Give the guy a chance to look less stupid but more incapable lor.
Less stupid because not capable sounds like a great reason mah. But NO CAPABILITY. Well done, I guess thats y you prefer to go Indonesia right?

See? SEE SEE SEE.... Initially, if given 1st reason, both end liao still can be friends. If given a chance that the guy wants to come back to the girl, this time round, she will have the option to choose.
BUT if ask qns give excuse carry on, it will only make two person look dumb.. Why?

Guy gotta come up with DUMB EXCUSES probably even down right to " You cant satisfy me in bed" or
"I dun like the way you come" then best part is Girl can Stupid Stupid go believe it.
So you tell me? Stupid or not lah???

The thing is,

To the party who wants a break up: Might as well just tell him/her straight that you want to end it. Just say dun love le lor. 速战速决。

To the party who DUN want break up: Let it go. Love doesnt mean have to be together ah. Y hang on
for someone who dun want you? I know coz I was stupid b4. Let it go. People say "LOVE YOU" only
because trying to make it easier for you lor.

Disclaimer: Im not saying that the story I quote is happening like what I have exaggerated, but i just borrowed it to state a general opinion of "stupidity".


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