Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Hahaha... here i am, going to talk about manners again! This time top it up with initiative as chocolate fudge.

Monday, 4 July 2005, was my first day at work (IRAS, Corporate Tax Dept). The whole batch of us reporting at work were recruiting to be production workers to help complete all the filing of companies taxes.

We reported at level #23, were then brought up n down to different levels and rooms to get some HR admin stuff done. (I shall spare you the details) Anyway, along the way, we had to go through doors for at least a million times. ok, brace yourselves, here is where im flaring up: TA MA DE!!! NAH BEH!!!!! EVERYONE JUST WALK THROUGH THE BLODDY DOOR!!!!!! DON"T ANYONE IN FRONT HAVE ANY FUCKING INITIATIVE TO HOLD THE DOOR??!!! *phew* (Catch my breath) Ok, never mind... Nobody hold, i hold lor (All the time!!) Here is comes again, fastern your seat belts: KAN NI NAH BEH!!!! HOLD THE BLODDY DOOR FOR YOU. NONE OF THEM FUCKING WANT TO OPEN THEIR GOLDEN MOUTH TO SAY A SIMPLE "Thank you". AT LEAST SMILE LAH!! They just bloody hell walk through the door lor, like im paid a million to open the door for them.

Frankly, im really fed up, then i don't want to hold door for them anymore. Im not sure if it is an Accountant thingy (Im NOT an accountant) or is it a Singaporean thingy (at least im not that bad a Singaporean, i hope), many a times, when you hold a door for someone, anyone, be it a stranger or a friend, do they say "Thank you"? All the time, it got me so worked up that i really feel like scolding whoever the fuck that person is for not being polite. Anyway, teach you guys something (learn from uncle Kee), next time anyone who don't say "Thank you", Just say a really loud "YOU ARE WELCOME HUH!?!" and SMILE after that person walk past the door you held for him or her. That person may think that you are crazy, but what the fuck, i hope he or she feels unpolite too.


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