Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Monday, June 06, 2005


Was preparing for my interviews when a thought strike my head.

"There are so many bloody interview samples online, if i were to memorise them and give STANDARD Perfect answers, does that mean that i will be headhunted?"

"So are these companies hiring a talent or a memoriser?"

I really wonder.

I remember i have a module in my poly that taught us about the dress code, posture and so on. Personally, i think the dress code and posture thingy really helps. As for the interview and answer skill, a little helpful if your company is employing a talent, damn useful if your company is employing a "History Teacher".

Hahaha... I remember a girl whom i interviewed for the position of a financial adviser. She was so caught up with giving perfect answer that i thought she is applying for financial manual.

Anyway, i just feel that reading up on model answers is only a guide. If you do not have the charisma and character to bring up the standard of your answer, it is of no help. A similar analogy that i quote from a friend:" They are both OCS cadet, but one makes the standard answers sound so motivating and inspiring while the other is simply plucking from the trees, don't even have a bit of "style" to same model answer" (Gossip: Both the OCS officers are from st john, one is tall dark handsome, the other one is someone i really hate, CANNOT MAKE IT! Fat Flabby Ugly! Feel sorry for the girlfriend)*Everyone nodd, some grinning coz they know who*

So, before your interview, go to a friend or a mirror, if you can answer the question with certain convincing level, then make it yours, if not, please spare the laughter. oppsss...


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