Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Story

There is a young girl who is seen as being bight and intelligent. She got to know a guy, not the tall dark and handsome type that she fancy, but just a normal guy.

The world sees this guy as being selfish, old and not good enough for the young girl. That was the very same thought that came to the young girl's mind. She thought she deserves someone better.

As time goes, this young girl with that thought lingering in her mind, she didnt treasure the guy enough to love him. Yet as time goes, she realize that the guy is not that bad after all. The world had seen him in the other view just like her. She felt bad, and decided to slowly make amendments. It was all too late, the guy now do not love her as much as when they first started.

Thats a little story i had on mind, didnt have time to elaborate into a juicy composition. If i have time, i'll write more k? ;p

PS: post a comment if you think of a better scence to add in :p


At Thursday, May 05, 2005 1:36:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darlinglin... See the world with your eyes, feel it with your heart, not let your love be of adolescent fancy.

At Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:02:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other side of e story ... :P

I know of a similar story, only that it fits into e other side ..

tis guy, completing a 7 yrs "payback for having had too much fun" rectification plan, decided it's abt time to enter a new variable into his life .. a partner. And came along tis young, bright and intelligent gal .. a profile, however inviting, he's hardly attracted to over e past few mths since her face showed up. not cos she's inattractive, not cos she's not right.. just tat she was too little, his friends warned .. hey, do u know wat ya doing? u w never tolerate such nonsenses, nonsenses tat characterises a typical 21 y.o. gal living in a world of fantasy. they r rite, tis guy has a rock-bottom low threshold for 1) unintelligent or shallow people, 2) immature adults. she was intelligent and her understnding & perception of her surroundings is at a level tat extends beyond her age. e guy was impressed .. he stopped judging her by her physiological age .. and on this schema of things, he reciprocated and invited her in..

they hit it off ok .. e guy knows what he shld b doing, and did them well .. he believes in e "give all, wait & c, and be prepared to retrieve if necessary" strategem .. cos he knows if he dun do tat, he'll never know what he CAN seen. and he saw, and he retrieved, bit by bit... and it hit e bottom of e well eventually. he was hit with a confrontation and has 2 decide between 2 options now: abandon e now-empty well, or stay and risk a drought... and it mgt be a prolonged drought 4 all he know. e guy decided to leave. he understands himself well..yes he knows he's got a high tolerance for risk, but he couldn't c e worth in it, mayb not anymore.. so he left, on an emotional level.

what happens next? i'm as excited to find out too! till then sweetie ;P


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