Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

If we were meant to be

I was told by a good friend who is like a mother to me. She said, "IF its meant to be yours, and IF its meant to fit, you will own it eventually. IF its not meant to be, no matter how hard you fight for it, it will never belong to you."

I believe everyone agrees with that, and that I always tell my friends when they needed the "Aunt Agony" advice. The ironic part, it seems easier said than done. Hahaha.. As always, you keep telling yourself to let go, but there is just this little part of you that doesnt seem to agree with you.

Let's take an example: I have a friend who is always(not that always actually) complaining about how shabby the boyfriend treats her, about how little time he is willing to spend with her, about almost everything. You know what? Deep down inside, she loves him as she mention. My view, she don't, i mean not that much from what i see that is. She is just use to having him around, talking about him, complaining about him, praising him blah blah blah... She just couldn't accept the fact that he is leaving her, even though they do not really spend time together. Yet, she feels that she is now left with nothing to do, left with too much time on hand, left with no love. I have this to tell her, the break up package we did for you, its to show you that we care and we love you. You can spend all your time with us, i know its different, but you know who to run to. :)

BAck to the meant to be, like I said, if you have the luck, the chance, the fortune, to be with him, eventually, he will ask for your hand.

As for my side, i have promised what i have promised. I will not mention how much i love you and how much i want you back. Just to voice out that i thought you can be the one who will take me away on your charming horse, give me love, warmth, and everything a darlin would ask for, but.. well, we'll see what fate has installed for us. MAybe, you will still stick to your plan of marrying the first girl after your major project according to plan. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Without You

Never even thought to cry
when I heard you say good-bye
never said where you were going
There's no laughter in the air
Only silence everywhere
And so much left unspoken

Since you've been gone
I haven't been the same
I wish that I could see
Who's to blame

Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
No love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
without you?

Was I lost in you and me
To the point I couldn't see
That what we had was dying
Now it's all that I can do
To see photographs of you
And stop myself from cryin'
I should learn to live without you love
Got so many memories but it's not enough

I feel helpless and oh so all alone
Like I've never felt before
You made me feel alive
But I don't remember what it's like anymore

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Blessings to You

I know you wanted to hear from me that i will give you my blessings. I decided to do it here to prove my sincerity and love for you. I am happy that it was not a bad ending because we came to a mutual understanding, still i'll grieve... *a moment of silence,tears drop*

*smile* Grieving over.. Just want you to know that i had the best times with you.

You, Loh C.K, have Sherlin Foong's whole hearted blessings. I will pray to god for you ;p (Even though we have different gods)

Remember, you will always be my Ah B Shu Shu. :) Muackz!

PS: remember you promise mi you will quit you know wat,you better keep to it. *Seriously*

Sunday, June 19, 2005

This is a pic taken from the female toilet on level 6 of Woodlands Civic Centre. So remember to PLs keep CLEANING! hahahaha.... Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thank you for loving me

Sudden inspiration to write. Ask me where that inspiration came from, i show you: http://pawit2525.multiply.com/journal

The above website is my inspiration. Written by my all time non stop talk cock best friend ("Soul Mate" cum Mentor), Prawit Thainiyom. He is currently in Thailand, doing quite well in both his about to start career (Congrats!) and studies (As always, Damn! A bloody always straight A's student. Nah Beh ;p).

Anyway, just chatted with him other day over MSN. He said something that im still trying to think through. Something that evoted some needs to sort out my emotional and mental self. Hahaha.. interested to know what he said, sorry its a secret which i have told erm... 5 pple!?! Hhahahahah... Well these are the 5 pple who have gone through thick and thin with Prawit and I k? ;p

Well,it always feel good to know that he is here for me even when he is so far away. Never fails to suddenly appear when i needed him the most, give the advice that i badly need, support that i always get, and most importantly, Love for a friend.Thanz Dear! :) Really Appreciate it. (From the bottom of my heart)

Monday, June 06, 2005


Was preparing for my interviews when a thought strike my head.

"There are so many bloody interview samples online, if i were to memorise them and give STANDARD Perfect answers, does that mean that i will be headhunted?"

"So are these companies hiring a talent or a memoriser?"

I really wonder.

I remember i have a module in my poly that taught us about the dress code, posture and so on. Personally, i think the dress code and posture thingy really helps. As for the interview and answer skill, a little helpful if your company is employing a talent, damn useful if your company is employing a "History Teacher".

Hahaha... I remember a girl whom i interviewed for the position of a financial adviser. She was so caught up with giving perfect answer that i thought she is applying for financial manual.

Anyway, i just feel that reading up on model answers is only a guide. If you do not have the charisma and character to bring up the standard of your answer, it is of no help. A similar analogy that i quote from a friend:" They are both OCS cadet, but one makes the standard answers sound so motivating and inspiring while the other is simply plucking from the trees, don't even have a bit of "style" to same model answer" (Gossip: Both the OCS officers are from st john, one is tall dark handsome, the other one is someone i really hate, CANNOT MAKE IT! Fat Flabby Ugly! Feel sorry for the girlfriend)*Everyone nodd, some grinning coz they know who*

So, before your interview, go to a friend or a mirror, if you can answer the question with certain convincing level, then make it yours, if not, please spare the laughter. oppsss...