Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Desmond Called... Life story...

I believe my gals have been receiving numerous calls from this particular man who is simply heart broken and cant let go. 

Well, like you, I have received a call from him, at 12 FUCKING AM in the morning (When its dark.. very dark, becoz my eyes were about to close in front of the TV). He kept toking.. toking..toking.. repeating.. repeating.. repeating... Ok, Im not being insensitive or whatsoever, I understand that it hurts, it hurts alot becoz you cant let go, but what im saying today is this, You cant let go fine, why make life difficult for others, not us, but the one you cant let go. Cant you tell that it is so difficult
  1. for her to explain to her friends y you kept calling even though we have heard it for the millionth time
  2. for her to think of ways to avoid your calls like leaving her HP in the car, switching it silent, nearing flushing it down the toilet...
  3. for her to keep quarrelling with her friends becoz to avoid you she left her HP silent and her friends cant get her too
  4. for her to keep apologising to her parents becoz you fucking call HER HOUSE PHONE in the middle of the nite
  5. for her to have to hang up her house phone landline so that you cant reach, surprisingly her WHOLE fucking family has to be kept out of contact from the world too.. WOAH!!!
  6. for her to enjoy her day becoz you threaten that in 4 hours time, it is her last chance to say yes or no or else you will be a birthday present for another gal, which part of NO do you not understand??
  7. for her to go out with other people as she kept answering your calls becoz you are worried that Singapore public transport stops at 10pm, there are no such thing as cabs, families are not people who will take care of her, friends who drove her out has no car, THUS as long as she is not with you, she CANT get home.
  8. for her to live her life make decisions becoz you are so afraid that if she use her brain, it will burst, if she make the wrong decision, she will die on the spot, YES, she did say she cant live without you, AS A FRIEND to help with decision analysis, not making; most importantly AS A FRIEND!!! 
Now, gals.. Dun laugh yet, after scolding the guy, now time to scold the gal... Before that, let me warn you that I AM BIASE!

Our dear love, you know that we love you. We understand totally that it is damn difficult to say no and stand by that decision and not be moved when your partner threaten suicide.. Wait, yours didnt, someone else's did. Anyways, yours threaten with stuff too... If you decided, just SMS all of us so that we will not ans his calls (which you did, well done). I understand that he might have depression, but always remember, a selfish person will not die for you.. Even if he did, its never your fault, god will punish him for not loving his body and life. 

Now, just remember that as long as you are happy, we will stand by your side. Im not sure about the rest of them, but I definitely will not look you down even if your actual reason for leaving him is becoz you have a change of heart. I believe that if you can have a change of heart, it simply means that at THAT POINT OF TIME, you know deep down you do not love him as much as you thought you did. Well, doesnt mean you dun love him anymore, but just simply, he is not the one for you. Then again, you must note that the one that you are jumping onto might not THE ONE either but he is just your life jacket then. If it works out, good for you, if it doesnt, move on.. Get a Life! YOu are 40 years old and dying a spinster, you are barely 25, long way ahead man...


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