Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Latest Joke... haaaaahaaaa....

After creating her own drama n SAGA, that crazy woman decided to end the whole episode herself. Haaaaahaaaa...

This was her MSN massage: "That's Great! I Finally Got thru to you!"

Haaaaahaaa... See what I mean when I say she is crazy!!!?? Nobody is doing anything at all... But she just has too much time on hand to dream of her own drama.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

Regarding the email

Names are being deleted so as to not bring embarrassment to my friend. Well, dun need to start guessing, im not telling, just sharing... Can you imagine what kind of sadness and embarrassment my friend has to suffer with such a girlfriend? I may or may not be the first friend to get this shit orh... 

Ohhh.. n I just realised.. She left the msn massage on thursday, hoping that I will make alot of noise to her "Darlin" but I couldnt care less after much thots.. Since her msn plan didnt work, she resorted to EMAIL!!! haaaaahaaaa.... I wonder wat she will feel if i didnt even bother about the email... haaaaahaaaaa..... then again, lets see.. This time the email says buzz offf..... Maybe I should go call my frd and ask him what is he going to do about his senile girlfrd... The more noise you want me to make, the lesser I make haaaaahaaaa.....

Hai.. Frankly, I do feel sad for my frd.. so poor thing.. I oso feel sad for the girl, she has to keep guessing whether another girl is going to take "Darlin" away from her... With such insecurity and lack of appropriate communication, they really sure they are fit to get married?

The email She wrote me.....

Hi Sherlin,

It is not with the best of moods that I'm writing to you. This is not going to be a very friendly email. I have come to the limits of my patience and I have to make myself heard. You have to stop seeing ****** and stop being nice to him. I repeat. You have to stop seeing ****** AND stop being nice to him. From the time you left him in 2006, I have been irritated that your things were left in the flat. I was so pissed once that I told him I would bring your things, take a cab to your place, and drop them there. Let me remind you. You chose to leave ****** to be with XXX. You made the decision. He was hurt. He cried. BUT, the relationship is over. There is absolutely no need for any correspondance, any niceties, any gifts, anything from you. He does not need you anymore. You may not see a problem with this continuing "friendship" you are establishing with him. You may see that you are totally innocent. But I see a huge problem in you, simply because you are his ex-girlfriend. The feelings two people have after they have broken up is never mutual. A party is bound to get more hurt than the other. A party is bound to harbour feelings and hopes that the other party has long given up on. Just like how I have never stopped loving ****** since you got together with him in 2001. With a sheer twist of fate, your relationship with him was over. Thus my marriage with Edvan was over as well. Oh, don't tell me that I have a problem with trust. I trust that ****** doesn't love you anymore and will never want the relationship back with you. I could not say the same for you, because I do not know you well and I will never want to know you.

I realised that you are not going to go away when I see things popping in our house; things that are not work-related, downloads of anime or drama series and food. Every time I hear him mention your name, I could feel the anger building up inside me, the cringe of my skin, the urge to chuck the whole load of your things down the rubbish chute. ****** will not ask you to go away. 'Cus he always wants to be Mr Nice Guy and Mr Nice Guy doesn't say such things. So when I realise that you are not going away, I decided that maybe I should see why I should accept you. So, I invited you for a little gathering during Christmas in our place. And you know what? You had to bring your little missy spoilt-brat whine to our house, crying over being drenched in the rain! I mean, look here, it is so damn weird that I am inviting my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend to my house. I am cooking for my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. And for your information, I have that gathering for Catherine, one of my best friends, 'cus it was her birthday. Do you even care that this party is not about you? The whole world just doesn't go around you Miss. You may behave all cutesy whiny to your guy friends for them to go weak in the knees, but please show some maturity and courtesy in front of other people who do not know you that well. You may see that there's nothing wrong with being nice to ******. But you have failed to be sensitive to my feelings. From what I know from ******, you were crazily in love with him. You were a model wife. You were disappointed when he doesn't want to keep the baby.You may say that no, you only love him as a friend, blah blah blah. You can say all you want. Then why are you still being so nice to him and refused to leave him alone to his happy life now?

Yes, although you have always tried to include me, do you even know me well enough to talk about sharing pineapple tarts and flavoured-changing milk straws? I am absolutely not a fan of pineapple tarts and I rarely drink milk! You already have a biasness against me. From your phone conversation with ****** nights ago, you had stated so clearly that "####(She) would not like it if u (******) are going to work in the same company as me (ME)", then why bother to get him into trouble, and make me unhappy? Why bother being nice to me when you are prejudiced against me? I honestly do not care if you are going to be bitching about this email and sob-sobbing to your friends in True, like you would normally do. You already knew I have a problem with you. Yet, you kept pushing and pushing your boundaries. You probably knew this would come. I remembered sharing with you in Starbucks about my problem with girls in ******'s life. Maybe I was too subtle. Or you refused to get it. My biggest problem was you! And instead of you buzzing away, you went to tell a True member and after which, she cancelled a breakfast appointment with him. I am not going to be subtle anymore. I am asking you to BUZZ OFF.

****** has made plans. He says he wants to get a house next year. He wants to get married. I've been through marriage. I've been through the stage of deciding to leave a marriage. Your presence in his life affects my decision a great deal. I don't want to be unhappy. In fact, I made it very clear to him, If we have a wedding party, you are not going to be on the guest list. You are not going to share his happiness.

To conclude, I do not want you to have anything to do with ******. Behave like any other ex-girlfriends and leave for good. No more friendship crap.

Here's to good riddance,

P.S.: I have CC-ed this email to ******, so you absolutely do not need to pick up the phone to call him to lament your woes.

It was not enuff

It was as if it was not enuff that she wrote it so openly in the msn, she has to send me an email "to get rid of me" as she said... 

I just feel so sad for her boyfriend.. We havent even contacted each other for so long, yet she is still throwing all her shit at me, I think it such disgust that he has to be with such an evil person. If he decides that she is his priority, of coz I'll not contact him, but I wont mind him being part of my life. 

He is the one who made me who i am where i am n wat i am. I will always thank him and love him. All I can say is, Good Luck man....