Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

My Combat Kee Leong! KIA!

This is Kee Leong's art of photo taking

This is what Kee Leong wants the whole world to know that Meimei always cannot finish her drink during meal times and will tabao so to save it for the next meal. hahahaha...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

What i have learnt

In a relationship, its not about putting your best in front of your partner, but to let him see the BEST and the WORST of you.


If he dont see your best, he will not know what good stuff he has missed. (Re: Your well controlled temper, Your kindness, Your readiness to do house work etc, everyone is different)

If he dont see your worst, he will not able to handle it when you unintentionally show him what you are made of. (Re: Ypur bitchiness, Your lousy cooking, Your bad tea making, even Your ugly bed making etc, it could be the slightest thing that you and i didnt notice but he did)


If you think you will not be able to show your best, coz you are not sure what's your best, then just be yourself. Pretending to be someone you are not can be damaging when he realise that you are not what you seem to be or you sick of not being yourself.

As for your worst, you dont have to delibrately be at your worst; like i've said, it could be the slightest thing that he notices. Thus, just be yourself.

In a relationship, you need communication, lots of communication; not one sided though, it has to be both ways.

I personally have problems with communication. I always thought that he might belittle what i think or consider me a bimbo to think in a certain way. Well, now i know, if he can think as such then he will not a suitable man for me as he cannot accept me for who i am.

Thus now, whenever i have thoughts, i will share them with him, no matter how small or stupid i think it is. He on the other side is always very encouraging. (Of coz, he is a counsellor) hahaha...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

28 JAN IS Kee Leong's BIRTHDAY!!!

Today is my Darlin's Birthday!!!

MUACKZ!!! Happy Birthday Darlin!!!


I am the happiest GIRL now :)

What can i say but I Am Happy! For once in a year's time i am TRUELY happy.

I remember once when Sabrina, my very dear friend, told me this: " You can tell the whole world that you are happy, but only you will truely know that you are."

She told me that when i told her that im happy now that i have more time for myself since HE was outta my life then.

She was right, i was never happy. How happy can i be? I lost the love of my life, as much as i wanna be with him, he chose to leave mi. I cried myself to sleep every night, I asked my friends out to eat, drink til late at night so i can go home to sleep like a log, and wake up the next morning, go to work, work like hell, go to gym, kill myself, then feel really tired so that i have no time to think about him. This routine went on for awhile.

Following on, i thought i could be truely happy if i get myself a boyfriend and forget about him.

Meiling, my close friend, told me this: " If you are with him just because you thought you needed somebody to be there, you are being very selfish, but, well, as long as you are happy, as a friend, i will give you my blessings"

True enough, i didnt really love that "boyfriend" of mine, and i was not really happy. He is just one of those typical no manners non-gentleman Singaporean men, (generally most Singaporean Men are like such, only a very pathetic small percentage are considered Acceptable). I complained about him everyday, well, i guess it wasnt really him being the problem, but the problem is that i just couldnt get over HIM to see any good in that "boyfriend". Conclusion: He is just not my type and im definitely not his type, thus "byebye".

Along the way, I got to know a wonderful man who was so willingly to give his love to me. Hmm, we knew that we cant be together for a very good reason, nonetheless, he treats like he treats his "Dear" or even better. It was because of him that i try getting back on my feet. It was also because of him that I really try to be happy and learn that life is never complete without laughter and there WILL be someone out there who cares.

Now, after struggling for about a year, HE is back... No, WE are back together. The kind of happiness and blissful feeling that i am feeling now can never be written down but you can feel it and you can see it. From that one year of pain and agony that i have had, made me realise that what i have now is truely a blessing. I dont even dare to ask for more, I just hope that things go well and WE are happy, TRUELY HAPPY. :)

[PS: If you know who HE is, good for you. If not, dun bother asking, I wont say.] hahahaa....

I love this picture :)

Monday, January 02, 2006


Vit. says:
Well, whatever you do, just try not to let it become something you can't undo okay?

Vit. says:
If all come down to it, you have to ask yourself who do you really want, just think of it as in a game of "Survivor"

Vit. says:
Who would you want to take to the Final 2

Vit. says:
So you can beat him in the Final

Friend VS Bitch

" As a friend, I'll tell you that they didnt leave you off on purpose, but as a Bitch, I'll tell you FUCK THEM!"