Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Suddenly, I feel that Im a big failure in life. In one's life, one will encounter three big TESTS, namely: Academic, Relationship, Career!

So far I have passed NONe of these tests.

Academic: How can i always not be the top few students? I've have worked hard, m I really not smart?

Relationship: Is he asking too much from me or m I really that lousy a girlfriend?


Sigh... Sigh... SIGH!!!

Came to a conclusion that I am:
-Last but not least Short
and yes, these conclusion as usual, have no link to what i have discussed about from the above.

Actually, one piece of advice for all, "Do wat you like, find out wat you want in life before you become a non-student, if not you will b DIRECTIONLESS like me"

*A thought came to wenmei's mind*

What do you think of me as a person? How do you rate me as a friend? just put in all the good and bad stuff, you noe im not easily offended ;p (add it in the comments link) ;p

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Fate is a force that brings two together, it is also a force that separates two apart

Do you believe in fate? What is Fate you ask?

As defined in the Cambridge Dictionary it says: a power that some people believe causes and controls all events, so that you cannot change or control the way things will happen

Interestingly, while i was searching the online dictionary, it gave me the definition for Fated.

It says: not able to be avoided because planned by a power that controls events

Now, do you believe in this "POWER"? hmm.. I guess asking the question of whether one believes in Fate or the "POWER" is almost similar to asking if one believes in "God".

Personally, I do believe in fate more than I believe in god (no offence to any religion,I believe in all GODS). I have always believe that things happen for a reason. Just take my entry to Ngee Ann Poly as an example: After my O's, I wanted to go to a JC. I know that going to a JC will mean that I have no time for St John, so I have decided that if I happen to successfully enter a JC, I'll QUIT St John for good. Well, I didnt coz I got into a poly instead. I guess, its a sad case huh? But no, its not, coz the JNCO(one which I would have missed if I quit) that I went to, I met my Dreamer Boy, Kee Leong. Is this FATE? I think so. :)

Haha.. i think some of you are staring at the title then staring back at my content, then asking, whats the link? Actually, no link lah... haha...

The reason why I chose this title is because, this morning when I woke up. The first SMS that greeted me was this: "Quote for today: Fate is a force that brings two together, it is also a force that separates two apart". It's from an intelligent friend of mine, he is Roger. One tall guy full of crap but very much emotional and wordy. Have yet to ask him exactly what he meant by "separates two apart", so cant explain to you guys what he meant.

Well, before I sign off, just a few questions for you to ponder.
-Do you believe in fate?
-Have you met anyone or done anything that you believe is fated?
-How have this fate helped or destroyed you?

I like this song alot, want to enjoy it with you. :)

Artist: Enrique Iglesias
Album: Escape
Title: Maybe

If i have one simple wish
I'll go back to the moment I kissed
Do you goodbye no matter how hard I tried
I can't live without you in my life

Maybe you say you still want me
Maybe you say that you don't
Maybe we say it was over
Baby I can't let you go

I walk around couldn't understand
Where we were wrong and I can't pretend
It wasn't me it wasn't you
But I'm convinced we gave up too soon

Maybe you say you still want me
Maybe you say that you don't
Maybe we say it was over
Baby I can't let you go

Nothing that you lose was up to losing you
There's nothing I can take
When I run to you, when I come for you
You tell me I'm too late

Maybe you say you still want me
Maybe you say that you don't
Maybe we say it was over
Baby I can't let you go

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Special Dedication

Havent been updating my blog regularly, i wonder if my fans miss mi.. haha... Found out on sunday that someone actually enjoys my blog. So happy to hear that. Thanz!! (Feeling like some Aunt Agony talking about Teenage column) Sadly though, i said something that kinda evoked his hidden emotion. Felt so bad about it. Anyway, this post is specially dedication to him. (You noe who you r ;p)

Let's see, today, we will touch on a topic that is kinda common around us. {Trusted friends and Loved Ones}.

If you realized, i used past tense for "trust" and "love". Reason behind this is simple. These people are history.

I guess, in one's life, one will come across friends whom one trusts. If these friends become trusted, then, haha... they are no longer trust NOW. Frankly, ask yourself honestly, what do you do if someone breached your trust. Hate them? Trust no one else anymore? Still love them?

What if that someone is your best friend or at least you THOUGHT that he was?

Final question, will he still be a friend of yours?

In cases like this, this friend will be demoted from a best friend to a friend. No longer will i tell him scerets, feelings, emotions. All he gets to know is my daily routines at most.

Now you ask me, " what about loved ones?"

The sad part is that these people are no longer loved by you. Well, there are alot of hidden factors behind why these people are no longer loved by you. And i guess, alot is based on trust too.

Sleep on this: If someone you love dearly cheats on you, how would your reaction be if you found out? Will you rather be the first to know or the last?

Unfortunately, you will happen to always be the last to know. And if you happen to be the last to know, look on the bright side (hard.. i know, but try), he or she still care, cause he or she didnt want to hurt you see... They are trying to find the best method, place, time and venue and probably even fengshui to break the news to you. (yes, this applies even when you see him or her cheats on you first)

Thinking back, most of you will feel sad or even disappointed that these people exist, and they have been closed to you once upon a time. Look at it this way, God (Im a free thinker, and do NOT try to "church" me, mind you) created these people for a purpose, and that is to teach you, to let you learn about the ugly side of human. BUT, bear this teaching in mind: "Hate the action. NOT the person." This is something i learn from my Kee Kee. :"p

I hope i can heal the damage that i have done to my friend. BTW, my friend, let mi noe you Blog Addy yah? :)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Enjoy the Company, Remember the Moments, Feel the Feelings

Who is it to judge if a particular feeling for someone is right or wrong?

haha.. Its cool to know that feelings are such weird things. They come and go. No warning, no signal, no nothing.

Is it wrong or right to feel almost in love with someone else even though you are attached? You tell me... Different people different perception.

Well, like the title suggest, " Enjoy the Company, Remember the Moments, Feel the Feelings". Simply explained as: Enjoy the Company of this person. Remember the wonderful moments shared together. Just feel the feelings in your heart and Enjoy it. The feeling of love don't just come easily, so enjoy it while its present.

Personally, i feel that having a special kind of feeling for someone else whether or not are you attached, is perfectly ok. Just remember, you are attached, all you can do is enjoy the feeling, nothing more than that.
