Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Suddenly, I feel that Im a big failure in life. In one's life, one will encounter three big TESTS, namely: Academic, Relationship, Career!

So far I have passed NONe of these tests.

Academic: How can i always not be the top few students? I've have worked hard, m I really not smart?

Relationship: Is he asking too much from me or m I really that lousy a girlfriend?


Sigh... Sigh... SIGH!!!

Came to a conclusion that I am:
-Last but not least Short
and yes, these conclusion as usual, have no link to what i have discussed about from the above.

Actually, one piece of advice for all, "Do wat you like, find out wat you want in life before you become a non-student, if not you will b DIRECTIONLESS like me"

*A thought came to wenmei's mind*

What do you think of me as a person? How do you rate me as a friend? just put in all the good and bad stuff, you noe im not easily offended ;p (add it in the comments link) ;p


At Thursday, July 01, 2004 10:29:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABG here ... my so-called username is like "little" bleahx.

Mistakes are made, learn from em'.

Dun think u r a lousy girlfren. if anything, u'll make a heck of a crazy girlfren.

Turned down Planet Fitness? Den try California Fitness,
Planet Holly/Bollywood ... might turn out to be a blessin in disguise.

Some pple born smart. Some people are dumb at first, den smart. Rarely have people smart and handsome like me .. ;) Not being top doesnt mean not being hardworkin. If u dun work hard and get shitty results, its ur fault. If u did wory hard and get shitty results, hey, u didnt let urself down by slacking. Worse thing u can do is to betray ur conscience.

U're supposed to love yourself. That way, whatever people say would mean little. My gf says i hav shit dressin ... so? Constantly love yourself ... (eg: go gym coz u wanna lk better, not becoz u wan to make some think u lk better. get it? good! see, u not so dumb wat)

Ye lack confidence girl. Stop ye self pityin and start werking hard. F**k wat other pple say or do. U r ur worse/best enemy/fren.

Rock On.

Oh. You're Damn FAT. Fit and Trim. Heh ... jay-bah! Short ? Cannot help it. Trim? Gym. Have a healthy and HAPPY state of mind. Best resistance against negativity and stress. =) See u ard dearest.

At Saturday, July 03, 2004 12:18:00 am, Blogger flying-pass said...

academic: dun get disturbed by e F**king edu system.. it suX ! making students to learn useless stuff like differentation n intergratn... like u're gonna differnetatn an equatn b4 u can purchase ur shampoo lidat.... TOP students r juz SPECIALIST IN MEMORISING DUMB STUFF.. so wat they top e sch? does tat guarantee high pay / high post / a perfect life partner for ya / a dozen of well behaved n super smart kids ??? NOOO!!

r'ship: i believe whoever is up thr, made every1 of us a partner, diff ppl need diff time to search for ur
fated one.. u're still young... not even 1/2 of life has passed... continue to HUNT for ur MR.RIGHT !!

career: juz like wat ABG said, look for other fitness centre lor =] c'mon, u've fit body + accelerating n decelerating body figure ( mine is constant figure.. straight lines if u wondering wat i mean by constant =p ) + chubby face PLANET FITNESS is IN DISADVANTAGE wif out u lor ;]

well, look at things from diff angle make difference:
- short --> u need not to be worried of being strike by lightning, take cover from tall frenz of urs =p
- 2pid --> u're not lor!! anyway, too clever may ne be blessing. knowing too much onli brings u much more things to worry abt
- fat --> c'mon la, if u r fat, wat word can we use to describe tat hairy + yaya + "carrying for his own cadets" + 5 yrs served officer den??? believe me, u're havin an EXCELLENT body size.. vEri nIce to HUG ya know ?! *hugz*
- directnless --> every1 will face this.. juz at diff phrases of their life.. soon, u'll definitly be able to clear away e mist, found ur way out .. zhen de zhen de !!! \^o^/

lonliness is e best weapon to attack ppl.. also is e worst enemy u can get.. try to occupy urself, be it wif frenz or family.. den u wun think too much liao.. =]

take care wm~~ we r always here.. *bIg hUgz fOr ya*


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