Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Which would you prefer? Bitches or Gossipers?

Personally, i prefer bitches. Reason: Bitches purely just bitch about people whom they dun like or people who have bitched about them. Gossipers are IDIOTS who say untrue things of anyone that they know JUST to get attention.

I got to know this BLOODY FUCKING gossiper recently, HE IS A MAN! Can you believe it? * oh yah, actually, not surprising, my bosses from my previous company were men too.. oppss* This JACKASS just went around spreading stupid things that he assume is happening between these two person that i know, one of whom i know personally, the other, i'l rather not know personally. Anyway, this BLOODY JACKASS was spinning tales, terrible tales, stupid tales, immature legends of these two person. *Sorry cant tell you exactly what but trust me on this, its stupid* I tell you he can just b a paparrazzi EDITOR, immediately promotion to head the paparrazzi section. He can fucking spin ten DIFFERENT tales from one picture. What an asshole! The world has just been made worst because of him.

Well then again, IF THESE two person have behave themselves, they would have save their ass with ease. I mean, if you know people are spreading things about you, then you still do things DELIBRATeLY for people to gossip. How stupid can that get? Then thereafter, say very stressed by these gossipers. I see no point to correct these gossipers then.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Im going to Thailand!!

Remember my darlin, Sebes? Yah? WE ARE GOING TO THAILAND!! hahaha.. how cool!

There is gonna be lotsa first times there, like FIRST TIME:
1) taking a flight
2) seeing Prawit after so long
3) going for an overseas workshop (Fitness First Gym)
5) many many more....

hahaha.. Im so excited!! My darlin was saying that he will most probably lock me in a cage and leave me in the cargo so i wont disturb other passengers.. hahaha..

Anyway, we are leaving on the 26 August, back by 28 August.

Well, but the lucky chap is leaving for Australia this sat, im gonna miss his bitching so much!!! heehee.. *Hint: He is damn rich dun you think? TWO trips in a month!