Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Special Guestkee Appearance

Hey hey hey,

Obviously im aint much of a blogger so i decided to suck on mei's blog space for awhile.

I had this discussion with a good friend once about chivalry, courtesy and manners of guys. Especially Singapore guys. My friend's from Australia and of the female species, but still chinese none the less. And it is really true, that manners are really important to impress a girl. And trust me i learnt it the hard way...

Doors... i never knew i had to hold the door until one fateful day when i was 15, out with a girl for lunch at macdonalds, ridout place. Went right through it, door swank back, smash right into her face. Best part is, i didnt know and kept walking on (guess i was really hungry) until i heard the customers at this table complaining loudly about my manners. then do i realise my friend seem to have a redder and flatter nose.

Ha ha and i didnt know there are SOPS (Standard Operating Procedures) For alighting buses. Yea i do usually step back and allow my dates to go first, am i right sherlin? I do yah? However, when i was with Jane, she wants me to walk first and alight first always so that she has a clear passage way. I guess shes making full use of my bulk. Another reason could be becos its easier to get a grip when you fall backwards, thats why she wants me infront to cushion her in case she falls face down.....

Eating, yeah i learnt that from a friend when we were dining. will make it a habit to wait till everybody gets their food. Guess its also becos i dun chew my food, i swallow them, so im pretty fast... haha

Oh seats. That i just learnt recently. In my line of work, im always physically exhuasted. One day in the gym, after a challenge class, i just plonked into the only seat thats available, not realising that there was this scottish lady there. Shes an awesome lady trainer/instructor. She politely said something that there isnt any chivalry in guys anymore, or something along those lines, immediately i woke up, and stood immediately and offered my seat. I was so embarrassed i just stood all the way. Eversince then, i made sure i give up my seats whenever possible...

I guess sherlin is right, manners can be cultivated. Cos the only manners i ever learnt since young.......... is to fart silently and stealthily in public.

blog by kee kee boy

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

MEN!!! Pls!! Your Manners?

The followings are some ways that i notice MOST and i mean MOST men/boy(for KL) will conduct themselves in terms of mannerism.

1) Table Manners

Actually, when it comes to table manners, both genders should keep this in mind; ALWAYS wait for your eating mate(s) BEFORE you start eating.

What do i mean? Ok, let's take a look at this scenerio:

Your eating mate bought his food, sat at the table, then its your turn to buy yours. By the time you got back to your table with your food, HE IS HALF WAY THROUGH HIS DINNER!!!!!! How Rude!! (Now you understand? *All nod head violently in agreement* Good..)

Wait, Be patient! Of course, if you are hungry and you cant wait, Simply say: Sorry Hor, I Makan first k? ;p Whats the fucking difference? Well, at least you bother to ask.

Simple as that. Hold it, Im hearing comments... Not everyone is brought up that way, my dear... Yes, i know, not everyone is brought up that way, but you must also understand that such manners can be cultivated yah?

2) Alighting from bus Manners

The usual practise of seat selection on the bus is this: Girl on the inside, Guy on the outside.

Now, Guys, Tell MeiMei, how do you alight? *All scratch head* What kinda fucking question you asking? Alight Alight LAH!!! Scan ez-link card then alight lor!

Well well... Let Meimei teach you how to alight:

Step 1: Get outta your seat
Step2: Take a step BACK (to allow the girl to leave the seat, not that she is fat k?)
Step 3: Allow the girl to walk in front to scan her card to alight first
Step 4: Scan your card then alight

(The above is practical ONLY when bus is not crowded)

Step 1: Get outta your seat
Step2: Squeeze through the crowd (Take this chance to hold her hand)
Step 3: Hold her by the shoulder, help her to the door
Step 4: Allow her to scan her card
Step 5: Scan your card and alight

(The above is practical when bus is crowded)

Are you thinking Girls are troublesome? Be a gay then.

OOOooopppppsss... ;p