Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Friday, July 23, 2004

KL trip

I am aching all over... but I'm feeling f**king Good babe! haha...
Came back from KL on tuesday. Attended a Body Balance Instructor course from 17 July - 19 July at Gold's Gym KL. Wonderful experience. It was my virgin group exercise instructor training, had a wonderful time, really enjoyed myself. Let me share it with all.
My trainer is Frank. He is a very nice guy although he has this "damn-it-its-monday" look for the whole three days. haha...  Frank is very encouraging, patient, experienced and humurous. I'l love to attend another course conducted by him. :)
My partner is none other than my cutie, sweetie, creamy, lovey and sugary pie, KeeLeong. ;p He has been very encouraging throughout the course although he always have the "can-we-get-this-over-and-done-with" look. heehee... Well, i have to thank my darlin KL for helping me throughout the course and help me learn to overcome my barrier of speaking out and expressing myself. I will continue to work hard, don't worry dear. :)
Course mates:
They are wonderful. I have been in the Singapore environment for too long man. In Singapore, people who go for courses are only there to shine, or rather to compete and outshine others!! But, my course mates are people who willingly go for the course and take it as a learning experience. I salute them as i personally think that these are the people who will make better instructors.
The Course:
I learn alot from the course. Things that i never knew, now i know. Things that i thought i was good at, has gotten better. I also learn to learn from my course mates. I learn to express from my Darlin KL. I learn to plan from Frank. I am aching all over because of all the Yoga positions that i have to stay in during the challenge. Also because when I come back to Singapore, i still go to the gym to do Body Combat(cardio), More Body Balance(healing) and Best BODY PUMP(weights)!! Super Combo! BUT, i cant wait to attend the next course.
I plan to do two more hopefully three more courses, namely, Body Combat, Body Pump, and hopefully Body Step. haha.. Btw, I CLEARED MY BODY BALANCE COURSE WITH INSTRUCT!!! haha... I am so happy!!
Oh yah, btw, i forgot to talk about my trip to KL with KL. (isit abit confusing coz you have to think twice about which "KL" im talking about? heehee...)
I like KL(place). Its slower in pace, not so confusing, complicated and fast like Singpore, yet when I am there, i feel very at home. Guess the weather is the same and the way of living is similar. The things there are F**King Cheap! (Kee must be rolling his eyes out and cant wait to nag about how i did my shopping and how much stuff i bought) I love the food! (Kee is drooling) I love travelling with Kee!! I think the trip was wonderful coz i went there with Kee. He knows the place pretty well, so getting around was not a problem. I know the language(Canto) at Chinatown area, so ordering was not a problem either. I enjoyed the trip (hope Kee too).  I'll love to go there again, just to get away from Singpore life. I feel that the trip has kinda brought Kee and I closer by a bit. Dont ask me how or Why, i just feel it k? ;p

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Silly things that happens when you are blindly in "love" like opening a joint-account

Overheard a conversation yesterday, when my sister was talking to her "LATEST" boyfriend.

Sis: need how much?
Sis: 500 huh.. i think can.. i still got 100 plus with mum
*listening again*
Sis: but we going to use the money for your trip huh?
*listening listening*
Sis: when can open? how's the procedure?

Im too lazy to carry on. Well, as you can see, the guy is out to cheat her money, (but im not doin anything about it, she should learn, as long as not with my money ;p) yet she willingly want to open an account with him. From what I know so far, she thought the guy is going to marry her as they have ordered rings. *duh*

Actually, I have always believed that when in a relationship, we have to:

- open joint account
- talk about marriage
- buy rings
- wear the same clothes at times
- do the same things
- learn from each other
- share friends
- blah blah blah..

Things that i do not believe in NOW:

- open joint account
- talk about marriage

What changed my mind?

I hear from a friend that two close friends of ours who happened to be together, ready to talk about marriage, opened a joint account, HAPPENED to break up, FOUGHT (i mean real fight) with each other over the spliting of the money in the account. haha... (oppsss...) silly right? So never will I open a joint account with someone, UNLESS i know this person actually puts in a particular amount EVERY MONTH and NEVER use the money in the account. Then mayb I'll consider, or if he is my "lawful" hubby.

Why not talk about marriage? I feel that, unless you are serious about it, if not, DO NOT GIVE ME HOPE!!! Cause, frankly, which girl on earth won't want to be married? Well, then again, sometimes, its good to hear sentences like " Wo Men Dou Lao Fu Lao Qi le" as in " we have been husband and wife for so long". Or "you my lovely wifey mah" Its kinda lovey dovey. ;p

Why do I STILL believe in buying rings? Its the lovey dovey thingy (again?), but of cause to some people out there, they feel that its a kind of promise that " i will marry you dear" haha.. I guess, if these people really recieve or gives a ring, woah, it means something alright?
For me, I just wanna feel attached. At times, look at the ring and give the sheepishly in love smile. haha.. Silly me..

Wear Same clothes? Haha... just for fun lor.. (KL is dying when he sees this, then if im around, he will do the usual: Must we? hai yah... if you want to, ok lor *ultra kana sabo and forced-to-do-sth-he-hates look*)haha.. He is sooooooo CUTE!! Well, i have to admit, its abit silly, but don't we all do silly things when we are in love?

What are the silly things that you do? Care to share? :) Use the comments link :)