Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friendship Part 1

It been quite some time since i have last blogged.. losing touch..

Stared at the screen for some time then decided "forget it". It happens everytime i sit in front of the com. haahaaa... thus the delay :p

Well, i guess, i have things to bitch about now becoz my life has became bitchier...

Woah so much things to say that i dun even know where to start. *Ponder* let's start with a lesson on friendship.

Hmm.. alot of times, when you ask me out for coffee tea or a meal, it seems like im either teaching or im working, im never really free for our dates not even for myself anyway..

As much as we do not meet up all the time, we do not really lose our friendship and we do not really have nothing more to tok abt rite? Guess, we just understand and cherish each other alot..

Now how did this trust, understanding, loving, embracing, etc come about so that we do not lose our friendship? My guess? Sincerity and our genuine want to be each other's friend. So far we have yet to really be friends with each other just to get something out of the other person. Becoz if we do, we would have stopped being friends as you would have gotten wat you want.

Y talk about friendship? Whats there to bitch about? Tell you a story that really got into me real bad.. Til now, im stil quite affected..


  • Mother
  • Son
  • Fortune teller
Son is looking for a room to stay for either a short or long period while studying overseas. The morning before flat viewing, Son ask Fortune Teller "You said i have a "Gui Ren" here. Can i know who is it?"

Fortune Teller: Remember the Guy called M who has been really nice to you without asking for anything in return? He is your "Gui Ren". So you must be extra nice to him.

Mum: Yah Yah Yah... You should make sure that you ask if he had his meals; Spend a little bit more to buy him some grocory when u buy yours. This is how you should treat pple, you must learn how to treat pple nicely so you can have more friends here who will help you yah?

Fortune Teller: Mmm.. Remember to be nice to him...

*View Rooms time*

There were three rooms being view generally.

Room 155 - Son loves this room
Room 144 - M is currently staying there but got intention to move up to 166
Room 166 - M considering taking up this room instead but havent put deposit

Fortune Teller's Evaluation:

Room 155 - Not bad... but must do some furniture adjustment.
Room 144 - Bad bad bad.. Bad omen...
Room 166 - PERFECT ROOM!!! All the Yins n Yangs of this room fits Son PERFECTLY! it will make him study veh hard and well and score good grades!!! (Seriously, if you ask me, can means can, cannot means cannot. If can, live in SHIT HOLE also can be scholar)

Mum's Reaction: (This is when im pissed!)

TAKE THE ROOM NOW!!! NOW NOW NOW!!! PAY THE DEPOSIT!! If this room is SO good we must secure it!!! Wheres the land lord, pay now pay now!!!

My Reaction:

Shit you! If this is the way you teach your children to treat friends, it is no wonder y you dun have much friends anyway... It was so obvious that M was looking into getting Room 166, in the morning still say "MUST BE NICE TO M" now, you just cut throat and take the room JUST becoz its good for your Son? So wat if you are a mum and you put your children first? Shouldnt you put VALUES first??? I thank my parents for being parents but respecting my way of treating friends in a proper way! I oso thank them for teaching me how to make n keep friends... This is just a FUCK UP case where selfish people makes me PUKE!


I would rather die than to have my friends die.. I dun understand how this people live their life everyday thinking like this.. *shake Head*
Im reconsidering alot of things becoz of this incident. But you should hear wat really hurts me most in part 2.

25 Random Things

For the benefit of those of us who do have Facebook or your facebook like my company KANA BLOCKED (Ji Bye)... This is wat i have written for a note that we are suppose to tag friends to let pple know you better...

So here we go!!!

1. I stand @ 1.5m ONLY! Coolness... Like Lynn said," its not easy to be at this height becoz you cant have more or less, its EXACTLY 1.5M!"

2. I am a 32C, but thanz to Rodney, think im reducing to 32B soon. Cha Siew Bao become Siew Mai.. haahaa!!! Still Dim Sum ok Rod..

3. Let's talk about darkness... I hit my mum's tummy when she was expecting my sister. I told her "I DUN WANT MEI MEI!!!" Well, mayb thats y she turn out stupid. :p

4. I love to hear gossips! They are juicy and entertaining.. reminds me of how free human are actually... :p

5. I love the Amy-Seow-kinda-Bimbo. Amy-Seow-kinda-Bimbo = A smart woman who acts dumb and looks the part, it means that they are really smart n talented to be able to do so and they only bring out the real smartness occasionally. Unlike Bimbos who are really Bimbos, stupid dumb ass usually without a good ass. *roll eyes, point to boobs (if any) and point to head*

6. I LOVE BUTTs!!! I LOVE GOOD BUTTs!! The best part: I HAVE GOOD BUTT ;p

7. Sherlin = Pink = Noisy = Nike = High = Power Puff Girls = Nice Boobs = Nice Butt = Crazy = Vulgarities = SHORT!

8. Its always about me, I dun care about you, as much as i try to make it about you, its still about me; What I want, When I want, How I want, Where I want, Who I want. Me Me Me...

9. Well, I can be about you, but you will have to make me love you like the way i love Jaze, Julian Kwek, (hate to admit this) FTeng, Kee Kee, Amy Seow, Jen Ho etc Best Friends (Yes, Xavier that includes YOU!), and of coz my "Bad Boy" Thomas H.

10. Im a mirror, Magnified. You give a weird look, I'll give you a weirder one. You touch me, I'll touch you more. (mayb not if you are ugly) You are nice to me, I'll be nicer to you. You give me shit, I'll make sure YOU ARE IN DEEP SHIT!

11. All my Best Friends' verdict of me so far: "Before I know her, i thot: "Sherlin is a PROUD bitch!" But after I got to know her, she is NOT proud AT All, but JUST a bitch!"" Haaahaaa...

12. I do not carry balls a.k.a boot licking. If you dun like for who I am, so be it. If you are looking for some kind of benefits from me, forget it. If we are working together, fire me. If we are just "friends", talk to the hand.

13. I try not to be direct most of the times, dun force me. You wont like it very much. There is a reason why im known as a BITCH. I own that reputation and im proud of it. *Wave like Miss World*

14. I love brainless movies.. but I dun usually catch them in cinemas, too expensive.

15. I cant do anything ALONE. I need a company, preferably man (ermm coz im straight?) Hey, but, im learning.. My next mission is to watch a movie alone, becoz i can eat alone now. (Jen, b proud of me k? and Yinshi, have faith in Sher Sher)

16. Dun be scared. If you go out with Sher Sher, and suddenly, im quiet, face kinda black, mood kinda wrong, IM STONING lah... haaahaa!! Amy n I call it Screen Saver, but Joel calls it darkness (He n his darkness). Well, I just need to reserve energy to survive the rest of the day mah... :p

17. Love coffee.. The traditional kind, esp KoPi-C NOT with Sugar but with sweeten milk. Yum!

18. Wanna be aqua Instructor.. But cant swim... :p

19. Love Junk. Potato chips (chezzzz), Prawn Crackers, Fries (chezzzz), Fried Chix, Potato Chips, Potato chips more potato chips.. Its amazing I havent Grow Fat n Die.

20. Favourite line: GROW FAT & DIE!

21. Love Gay Porn! I think Gay Porn is the coolest! I dun have to describe what goes on in a gay porn rite? well, ok since you wanna hear: Lots of lubricated dickies! haaahaaa!!

22. You still reading ah.. You really wanna know more about me hor.. So sweet leh.. :p

23. Love my current figure, but can slim down somemore.. then mayb wil have confident to walk about in mid drift tube tops :) I have 3 sitting at home waiting for me to slim down lor.. its been a year.. haahaa.. and counting..

24. I should start running again.. Been lazy, my super nova sit at home rotting away lor.. But, no uncle Kee, its ok, no challenge for me pls.. let me go plan my time to run, gotta prepare for Sun Down Marathon that is if JOEL LAO DOU can find one more person to run 10.5Km. Kee, you wanna run in our team? Got Joel Lou Dao, Edwin Ah Beng, and Sher Sher Princess. You can be our Kee Kee Tarzan. :)

25. Final ONE!! I love a man who can cook :) coz I dun cook, not anymore. So a man who can cook is something thats really sweet :)