Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

At least I noe...

Told my parents about what happened, even though they noe that wat im earning is considerably good money, they said if its too difficult too work with them anymore, just leave.. Well, at least I noe that im supported at home.. :)

And when i told my darling abt it, he is so cute.. He said if I dun wanna work, he will support me and feed me full full for three meals (Exclude Shopping) haaaahaaa....

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Im Hurt...

There are 4 pple in my department, 3 of them stabbed me in the back, im the fourth person in the department.. haaahaaa... Wat a Joke of the Century...

A policy was made by the top management becoz one fucking asshole went thru the back door and skipped our management n went directly up to make a din. Since that fucking asshole is somewhat a reputable asshole, the management being money minded idiots took his "advice" and made a policy. Now, surprisingly, I have to thank this asshole, becoz of him, i finally see the true colour of my so call best friend and my colleagues. 

One fat moron (one of the three) made so much noise about the policy, raising his flag, hands, banners and voice, insisting that he will NOT teach if such policy is taken. His Boyfriend (more like girlfriend), my manager, ENCOURAGEd the both of us to write in to inform the management that the policy sucks! SO WE DID wat the Manager said.

I didnt went into the office yesterday becoz its my off day, and BANG! It was all SHERLIN'S fault on thursday. Well done... And you noe wats the best part? My manager told me this: Sherlin, later during the meeting with the management, you just keep quiet, let (his boyfriend) do all the toking, he more rational than you, you will just make things worst with your stand.

WTF!!!??? Its was him n his boyfriend who were making the most noise about wat happen n now I AM IRRATIONAL???!!!! All of a sudden, its my fault.. Good Job!

The best part is, I only say I dun wanna teach becoz im injuried, but if no one else teach, i'll do it still.. BUT its SHERLIN'S fault. Becoz SHERLIN is so INSISTING about NOT teaching, thats y they so poor thing they have to MEET the management. And even better when I found out, my so call best friend was the one who encourage that I AM IRRATIONAL, I SHOULD SHUT UP! I didnt even insist.. Are they blind or deaf? 

Then only 5 mins before that meeting, they said, "Oh btw, the policy is temporary lah.."

Oh well like I KNOW??? If I know it, OF COZ I wouldnt say I dun wanna teach, I dun mind TEMPORARY! And so its SHERLIN's FAULT... Splendid!