Embracing Life again :)

I guess embracing life had been difficult for a period in my life as it was just so frustrating trying to embrace it while others try their best to destroy it.. Thank god most of these people are gone... Time to embrace life again! :)

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Leopard doesn't change its spots. Does it?

Sad to see that there are pple who lied, had set backs, yet do not change for the better... R those set backs really set backs or juz lessons for these pple to lie better?

haha.. i think some of you might noe who i am refering to, and yes you are rite. Its ATMH! Well, of coz when i wrote "these pple" from above, there also other frds that i am refering to.

Anyway, my main topic for today is simple: How can a lousy loser lie to some many girls, get them in bed or in his hands yet they did nothing to expose him?

Is it really his charm, my Girls out there? Where is his charm? His broken broken Singlish??!! (can you imagine, its bad enuff to have singlish, he has BROKEN SINGLISH!!!) Or are you refering charm to a pokey molely pimplely back of his? (Han is puking badly, i can picture it) Or is it really his glib tongue?

Sad to say, no matter how much he cheat on these girls, they are still there for him and willing to take him back. Reason? let mi analyse for you:

Concept: Girls who are consider themselves (1) not good looking (2) not attractive (3) will b a spinster (4) FAT, are usually lower in confidence when it comes to having/getting into a relationship. Be it one of the above factors, or all of the above, it puts the girl's confidence down.

Thus they will usually (not all girls though) go for guys who are willing to give them "unconditional love care and concern", give them the lil boost of "Dutch confidence" (if you noe wat is "Dutch Courage"), and these guys are usually not so good looking.

Strategy: He goes after these girls mentioned above. Well, yah, he is NOT good looking, but like all bigger size male species, he is huggable. So based on the concept above, he looks for his victims (Hai, if he is so clever in studies wise, he wouldnt b a private now LOLX). These girls willing fall for him, but once he had had his fun with them, he starts to look for others. He is full of excuses, reasons, and lousy philosophy. He makes use of girls' soft heartedness, kindness and love to get to wat he wants. (Lame excuses ranging from his dog die to his father went to jail)

Advice to girls out there: I understand that there are girls who think that all nice guys are died. But no, you are wrong. Coz i was one of them who thot that way too, but i found him, the best of the best, unattached, and heart broken by an unsecured FEMALE partner. (So not all guys are bad yah)

All you need is to tell yourself that you are loved, you do not need anyone else to love you but yourself. Look in the mirror, give your most confidence look and scream, "I LOVE MYSELF!"

You have friends, do not misuse them, they are alwas there for you, not only when you are lonely,but ALWAYS. Whether you are happy or sad they are alwas there. (If they are not, come find mi) Dun ditch them for boyfrds, cherish them.

As for lousy guys, come plan with mi a special plot to destroy them. Or juz come and tell mi your story, i'll let you understand how that lousy guy had actually open a door for you in your learning library.

One Life. Live it. :)


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